On site registration is available:
11/7 3pm-7pm
11/8 7am to 7pm
11/9 7am to 8:45am
Welcome to the 10th annual Desert Tromp!
November 8th & 9th 2024
This event is a charity fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Colorado River.
Friday November 8th- Jeep & Truck Fun Run!
Saturday November 9th- Off-Road Poker Run
~Camping, food, and fun await you at Exit #2 off of I-40. Come out and have fun with us!
Dry-camping, Live Music, S'mores, Camp Fires, Prizes,Port-o-Johns, Dumpsters.
~ Jeep & Truck Fun Run - Enjoy a 35 mile course on Friday. Tons of prizes along the way!
~ Off road poker run! The start and finish lines are at Exit #2- our Base Camp-
~ Off-road vehicles will have the opportunity to travel through the beautiful 40 mile desert course to collect poker chips at five locations. Each poker stop will be manned by a unique sponsor who will hand out lucky poker chips, snacks, beverages, and goodies.
Two-Wheel Open Class for the Poker Run
Two-Wheel riders will start the course an hour before the SxS to ensure safety. This course will be fun for novice through experts as they make their way through the beautiful desert.
First Prize $1000
Second Prize $500
Third Prize $250
Proceeds from the Desert Tromp Off Road Poker Run support the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Colorado River which provides after-school programs and summer day camp to over 1,600 children every year.